Club Rules
A new Constitution, in line with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, was passed at the 2024 AGM.
File Akaroa Bridge Club Constitution 07Feb2024.doc
Rules and Constitution of
The Akaroa Bridge Club Incorporated
Contact Information
Contact email
Incorporated Society Number 543880
NZ Business Number 9429042843917
Contact Person Anne Bowden phone 03 304 8820
Mobile 021 08865026
Part 1 Introduction
1. Name
2. Registered Office
3. Interpretations
Part II Objects and Powers
4. Objects
5. Powers
Part III Membership
6. Categories of Members
7. Membership Process
8. Members’ Rights
9. Subscriptions and Other Fees
10. Duration of Membership
11. Cessation of Membership
12. Minimum number of Members
Part IV Operational Procedures
13. Operational Procedures
14. Disputes
Part V Management
15. Committee
16. Powers and Duties of Committee Members
17. Committee Meetings
18. Roles of Committee Officers
Part VI General Meetings
19. General Meetings
20. Annual General Meetings
21. Special General Meetings
22. Procedures for General Meetings
Part VII Financial
23. Financial Matters
24. Review
25. Application of Income
Part VIII Alteration to Rules
26. Alterations to Rules
Part IX Winding Up
27. Winding up
Part I Introduction
1. Name The name of the Incorporated Society is The Akaroa Bridge Club (ABC).
2. Registered Office The Registered Office of the ABC shall be at 1 Lushingtons Bay Road Takamatua (or at such other place as is determined by the Committee from time to time).
3. Interpretation
ABC means Akaroa Bridge Club.
Annual General Meeting or AGM means an Annual General Meeting of the (ABC) incorporated in accordance with Rule 19.
Committee means the Committee duly elected under Part V.
General Meeting of the ABC includes Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings.
Member means a person as defined in Rule 6.
Notice means a communication in writing delivered personally, left or sent to the last known postal or electronic address of the person for whom it is intended.
Officers means those officers that have been elected to the Committee as Officers as defined in Rule 15.7 and 18.
Rules means these Rules being the rules of the ABC.
Society means The Akaroa Bridge Club (ABC).
Special General Meeting or SGM means a Special General Meeting of the ABC in accordance with Rule 21.
Part II Objects and Powers
4. Objects The Objects and Purposes of the Akaroa Bridge Club are to:
1. Operate a Bridge Club to promote and foster the playing of contract bridge.
2. Organise and conduct contract bridge matches, competitions and tournaments and social gatherings in connection therewith.
3. Promote additional activities that further the Objects of the ABC.
4. The ABC is not and does not intend to be registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005.
5. Powers
The following powers shall require prior approval by the ABC at a General Meeting:
1. Purchase, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire, hold, manage, maintain, insure, sell or otherwise deal property and other rights, privileges and licences.
2. Control and raise money including to borrow, invest, loan or advance monies and secure the payment of such money by way of a charge over all or part of the ABC property; and to enter guarantees.
3. Sell, lease, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose of any property of the ABC and grant such rights and privileges over such property as it considers appropriate.
4. Construct and alter any buildings, premises or facilities owned by the ABC and carry out works it considers necessary or desirable for the improvement of such buildings, premises or facilities.
5. Establish a Committee and other groups and delegate its powers and functions to such entities.
6. Purchase or otherwise acquire for the benefit of the Club, all or any part of the property assets and liabilities of organisations whose activities and objects are similar to those of the ABC.
7. Be a member of, or affiliate of, or be associated in any other way with any organisation which has Objects similar in whole or in part to the Objects of the ABC.
8. Make, alter, rescind, or enforce any regulations, policies or procedures for the governance, management and operation of the ABC.
9. Alter these Rules, within the provisions contained in these Rules.
The following powers are permitted by way of delegation to the Committee:
10. Enter, manage and terminate contracts or other arrangements with employees, sponsors, members and other persons or organisations.
11. Produce, develop, create, own, licence and otherwise exploit, use and protect intellectual property.
12. Assign or delegate functions to and/or enter into agreements with people, organisations and agencies.
13. Produce any newspapers, periodicals, books, e-documents or leaflets and develop and implement any computer systems and software packages the ABC may consider desirable for the promotion of its Objects.
14. Maintain any buildings, premises and facilities owned or leased by the ABC.
15. Subject to ratification at a General Meeting, determine, raise and receive money by subscriptions, fees, levies, or usage charges, sponsorship, government funding, community and/or trust funding or otherwise.
16. Accept or decline gifts and donations after considering their value to the ABC and any associated conditions.
17. Apply for, renew and maintain any charter, licence or permit, to enable the ABC to comply with any law or regulation which relates to the operation of the ABC’s stated Objects.
18. Determine entrance fees, and payments for those officiating at tournaments.
19. Do all such other things as may be deemed to be incidental or conducive to attaining the above Objects.
Part III Membership
6. Categories of Members
1. A Member is a person who has been accepted as a Member in accordance with these Rules and who has paid the relevant subscription.
2. An Honorary Life Member is a person who has rendered conspicuous service to the ABC and who has been proposed for Honorary Life Membership by the Committee and elected by two thirds (2/3) majority of those present at a General Meeting of the ABC. Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership without paying the annual subscription or table money.
3. The Patron shall be a person with knowledge and experience of the Club who shall act as its guardian; after being elected by a majority at a General Meeting of the ABC.
4. Other categories: The ABC at a General Meeting may determine any other areas of membership it thinks fit on such terms and conditions as it so determines.
7. Membership Process
Any person may apply in writing to the Committee to become a Member of the ABC
If approved by the Committee, then that person shall become a Member.
8. Members’ Rights
1. All Members shall enjoy the ABC activities and the use of the ABC facilities subject to any rules imposed by the Committee from time to time.
2. Any Member is entitled to attend, speak and vote at any General Meeting.
9. Subscription and Other Fees
Subscription The nature and amount of any annual subscription and any levy including the due date for payment and the manner of payment shall be determined annually at the ABC’s Annual General Meeting.
Other Fees. The Committee may determine other fees that are payable by Members for competitions, events and activities held by or under the auspices of the ABC and for any other purpose falling within the Objects of the Club.
10. Duration of Membership
The duration of membership is from the date of the commencement of membership until terminated in accordance with the following Rule 11.
11. Cessation of Membership
1. A Member who is not in default of any payments as specified below may resign their membership by giving not less than 14 days’ notice to the ABC. The member may withdraw such a resignation within that 14-day period.
2. A Member shall cease to be a member of the ABC on resignation. The resignation of a Member will be accepted in writing or by electronic mail to the Secretary provided all monies owing to the ABC have been paid.
3. Default in Payments: A Member may have their membership terminated by the Committee if any payments to the ABC are due and outstanding for more than 8 weeks from the date of the AGM. Before such determination shall occur, the Committee must give the Member notice specifying the payments due, and demanding payment by a due date, being not less than seven (7) days from the date of demand.
4. Other Grounds: The Committee may on receiving a written complaint that any Member has acted in a manner prejudicial to the ABC, and after giving that person notice of the allegations made in support of the complaint an opportunity to answer them. The Committee may then:
a) Admonish such Member, or
b) Suspend such Member from the privileges of membership for a period not exceeding 6 months, or
c) Call upon such Member to resign: If any such Member refuses to resign when called upon, the Committee shall call a Special General Meeting for the express and only purpose of considering whether that Member shall be expelled. At that meeting the complainant/s and the person complained against shall be given a full opportunity to state their respective case/s, and a motion for expulsion shall not be carried unless by a two thirds (2/3) majority of Members present and voting.
5. Consequences of Termination of Membership: Where any Member ceases to be a Member of the ABC then that person or entity shall lose the use of and forfeit all rights and claim upon the ABC and its property including Intellectual Property. All property of the ABC shall be returned to the Secretary including any key or entrance device to the ABC facilities. These consequences shall survive the termination of such membership.
6. Reinstatement: An individual who has had their membership terminated by the ABC, may be reinstated by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Members present and voting at a General Meeting.
12. Minimum Number of Members
The ABC shall maintain the minimum number of members required by the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
Part IV Operational Procedures and Disputes
13. Operational Procedures
1. Affiliation: The ABC and its Members will be affiliated to New Zealand Bridge (Inc).
2. All Members will be bound by this Constitution, its Rules and bylaws of the ABC.
3. Any Member changing their address or email address shall as soon as possible notify the Secretary of the change.
4. Play shall be conducted under the Laws of Duplicate Bridge as from time to time promulgated by NZBridge.
5. Visitors: Non-members may be invited to play at the Akaroa Bridge Club on payment of the usual table money. No visitor shall play more than four (4) times in any one year.
6. The Committee may at its discretion, waive the table fee for social sessions.
7. The Committee shall have the power to classify Members into grades and set aside sessions on which play is restricted to Members of solely one grade.
8. The Committee may introduce or outline procedures in addition to the Rules in this Constitution by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Committee. Such changes must be consistent with the Objects of the ABC and any directives given by the Members at an AGM.
9. All regulations will be binding on the ABC and its Members.
14. Disputes
1. The definition of “Disputes” shall include situations where a Member of the ABC has a grievance or difference about the meaning or effect of any Rule, provision, decision, policy, practice, right, privilege or direction (including this Rule and the Regulations) of the Committee or its duly delegated appointees or employees.
2. All complaints and grievances must be lodged in writing with the Secretary.
3. The ABC may refer a complaint, grievance or other dispute to:
a) Its appointed referee/s, or
b) A subcommittee or an external person to investigate and report; or a subcommittee, an arbitral tribunal, or an external person to investigate and make a decision, or
c) The ABC may with the consent of all parties to a dispute, refer the dispute to mediation.
Part V Management
15. Committee
1. The Committee shall have the entire management of the ABC and the control of its property and funds and is empowered on behalf of the ABC to do, execute and carry out all matters as authorized under these rules.
2. In the event of any dispute or difference arising as to the interpretation of application of this Constitution, or any part of it, the decisions of the Committee in respect of such a dispute shall be final and binding.
3. No person shall be eligible for election to the Committee who is not a financial member of the ABC.
4. All Officers and Committee Members elected hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. They shall be eligible for re-election from year to year.
5. The Committee shall have the power to add to its numbers and in particular to co-opt either Members of the Club itself or people with specialist expertise pertinent to the ABC’s Objects.
6. The Committee may appoint Director/s of tournaments and matches, dealers, scorers, or make any other appointment in the interests of the ABC.
7. Composition of the Committee. Committee Members, who must be ABC members, shall be the following:
· The President
· The Vice President
· The Secretary (who is also the contact person for the ABC)
· The Treasurer
· A minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) other members
8. Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
9. Committee Members shall hold office until the Annual General Meeting following their election.
10. There is no limit on the number of terms a Committee Member may hold office.
11. Ineligibility for Office: No person who is an undischarged bankrupt, been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty, is disqualified pursuant to an NZ Statute or who is subject to a Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988, shall be eligible to be or remain a Member of the Committee.
12. Cessation of Office: If any of the circumstances listed in Rule 15.11 above occur to a Committee Member that Committee Member shall be deemed to have vacated their office upon the relevant authority making an order or finding against them. This Rule does not limit the right to suspend a Committee Member pursuant to any other Rule herein.
13. Suspension of Committee Member: If any Committee Member is alleged to have or is charged with, or is given notice by the relevant authority or a proposal to make an order of finding against that Committee Member of the circumstances in the Rule 15.11 above, the remaining Committee Members may, after reasonable enquiry and giving the Committee Member concerned the right to be heard, suspend the Committee Member from the Committee pending the determination of such allegation, notice or charge.
14. Vacancy: A vacancy arises if:
a) A Committee Member resigns from office prior to the expiry of their term of office.
b) A Committee Member dies.
c) A Committee Member is absent for more than three (3) successive meetings unless leave of absence has been granted by the President.
d) Any of the circumstances in Rule 15.11 apply.
15. If there is a vacancy on the Committee, remaining Committee Members may either appoint a person of their choice to fill the vacancy or leave the vacancy unfilled until the next Annual General Meeting.
16. Powers and Duties of Committee Members
1. The affairs of the ABC shall be governed by the elected Committee in accordance with Rule 5.
2. Duties of Committee Members: The duties of each Committee Member are to:
a) At all times act in good faith and in the best interests of the ABC.
b) Exercise the powers of the Committee for proper Objects.
c) Act and ensure the ABC acts in accordance with these Rules and its regulations.
d) Not agree to, nor cause or allow the activities of the ABC to be carried out in a manner likely to create a substantial risk of serious loss to the ABC’s creditors.
e) Not agree to the ABC incurring any obligations unless the Committee Member believes at the time on reasonable grounds that the ABC will be able to perform the obligations when it is required to do so.
f) Exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonable person would exercise in the same circumstances.
g) Disclose to the Committee the nature and extent of any interest in a transaction or proposed transaction as soon as the Committee Member becomes aware of the fact that they have such interest. (An interest in a transaction or proposed transaction shall have the meaning as defined in section 139(1) of the Companies Act 1993, or any equivalent provision under any replacement legislation).
h) Take such other steps as determined by the Committee in respect of any interest specified which may include, without limitation, abstaining from deliberations and/or any vote regarding such interest.
i) Refrain from disclosing to persons outside the Committee information that the Committee has determined shall remain confidential to it.
j) Make reasonable efforts to attend all meetings and General Meetings of the ABC.
k) Use their best efforts to consult widely with members and others in the community to keep them abreast of the issues facing them; and
l) Participate in any review of the Committee’s performance.
3. Powers of the Committee. Subject to the restrictions in Rule 5, the Committee shall have the power to do all other acts or things which are within the Powers and Objects of the ABC in accordance with Part II including, but not exclusively, the following:
a) To develop and implement strategies, programmes and activities for the development and promotion of the ABC.
b) To make, amend or repeal any regulations, standing orders, policies and procedures for the orderly operation of the ABC. All regulations shall be in accordance with Rule 5.8 and Rule 26.
c) To prepare and review an annual financial plan and budget, develop and implement prudent policies to protect and enhance the ABC’s finances and property, control expenditure and raise funds.
d) To open and operate a bank account in the name of the ABC.
e) To appoint and employ a manager, subject to ratification at a General Meeting, and delegate such powers as it considers appropriate to them.
f) To appoint persons to positions and determine the terms and conditions of such an appointment.
g) To delegate powers to employees, committees and other groups appointed by it.
h) To engage or contract assistance or advice for the Committee.
i) To establish subcommittees or groups and delegate any Committee responsibilities to it/them.
j) Subject to these Rules, fill vacancies of the Committee.
4. Matters Not Provided For: If any situation arises that in the opinion of the Committee, is not provided for in the Rules, or the policies or procedures of the ABC the matter will be determined by the Committee in a manner consistent with these Rules.
17. Committee Meetings
1. Committee meetings may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of Officers or by no less than three (3) Committee Members. Generally, the Committee shall agree to meet at regular intervals. The Committee must meet no less than five (5) times per year. The Committee shall regulate its own procedure, except as stated in these Rules.
2. Meetings using Technology: Any one or more Committee Members may participate in any meeting of the Committee and vote on any proposed resolution without being physically present. This may occur by telephone, through video links or by other means of electronic communication other than email; provided that prior notice of the meeting is given to all Committee Members and all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each other effectively and simultaneously. Participation by any Committee Member in this manner shall constitute the presence of that Committee Member at the meeting.
3. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be the President, or in their absence, the Vice President; or in the absence of both these Officers, the Committee shall elect from among their number the Chairperson for that meeting.
4. Quorum: The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be five (5) including at least two (2) officers.
5. Voting: Each Committee Member shall have one (1) vote at Committee Meetings. Voting at Committee Meetings shall be by voice, or upon request of any Committee Member by a show of hands or by ballot. All decisions shall be by majority vote of those present. If in the event of a tie, the vote is lost. Proxy and postal voting are not allowed at Committee Meetings.
6. Expenses: The Committee may, by a majority vote, reimburse its Committee Members for the actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the conduct of the ABC’s business. This shall not include any remuneration for loss of time or other services rendered.
7. Minutes: The Committee will provide electronically, to all members, the draft minutes of all General Meetings and the approved minutes of all Committee Meetings, excluding any matters that are determined as confidential
18. Role of Committee Officers
President: The President shall have the following duties:
· To provide leadership of the ABC.
· To ensure the Rules are followed.
· To convene meetings and establish whether a quorum is present.
· To chair meetings and decide who may speak and when.
· To have the casting vote if needed at meetings.
· To oversee the operation of the ABC.
· To provide a report on the operation of the ABC at each Annual General Meeting.
· To perform such other duties as are required for the efficient management of the ABC.
Vice President: The Vice President shall have the following duties:
· To substitute for the President in their absence.
· To advise the President.
Secretary: The Secretary shall have the following duties:
· To assist in the general administration of the ABC.
· To keep a true and complete record of the proceedings of all meetings of the ABC.
· To keep the Register of Members.
· To act as contact person for the ABC.
· To hold all documents, papers, records, books, communication and electronic records connected with the business of the ABC except those required for the Treasurer’s function.
· To receive and reply to correspondence as required by the Committee.
· To have available to Members a copy of the ABC’s Rules.
· To forward the annual financial statement of the ABC to the Register of Incorporated Societies upon their approval by the members at an Annual General Meeting.
· To advise the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of any Rule or contact detail changes.
· To perform such other duties as are required for the efficient management of the ABC or as directed by the Committee.
· To administer Privacy, Health and Safety and other legislative requirements, reports and returns.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
· To receive all monies due to the ABC, and in conjunction with the Secretary collect all subscriptions and fees.
· To authorise payment of the ABC’s creditors in accordance with their payment terms.
· To keep proper accounting records of the ABC’s financial transactions to allow the Club’s financial position to be readily ascertained.
· To prepare Annual Financial Statements for presentation at each Annual General Meeting. These statements should be prepared in accordance with any ABC accounting procedures.
· To provide a Financial Report to members at each Annual General Meeting.
· To provide financial information to the Committee as the Committee determines.
· To perform such other duties as are required for the efficient management of the Club or as are directed by the Committee.
Part VI General Meetings
19. General Meetings
1. Business will be conducted through either General Meetings (includes the AGM and General or Special Meetings) or meetings of the elected Committee.
2. A written resolution in lieu of a meeting is not permitted.
3. The quorum required at any General or Special Meetings of Members shall be twenty percent (20%) of current members.
4. Voting:
· Non-financial Members shall not be allowed to vote.
· Every subscribed Member and life Member shall have one vote each.
· Voting shall be by a show of hands or by such other methods, including secret ballot, as may be approved by the meeting.
· All decisions shall be by majority vote of those present. If in the event of a tie, the vote is lost.
20. Annual General Meetings
1. The Akaroa Bridge Club must hold an Annual General Meeting once every year NO later than the end of February.
2. Notice of Annual General Meeting: At least 21 days’ notice of an AGM shall be given to all members.
3. The notice shall include:
a. The date, time and venue of the AGM.
b. The closing date for nominations for Committee Members and proposed agenda items.
c. Any information required in relation to any proposal to alter these Rules in accordance with Rule 26.
4. Items of Annual General Meeting Business: Not less than 10 days before the date set for the AGM, the following information must be received in written form by the Secretary:
a. Any nomination for a Committee Member position with the nominee’s approval.
b. Items for the agenda.
5. Business of AGM: The following business shall be undertaken at each AGM:
a. The receipt of annual reports.
b. Receipt of the Annual Reviewed Financial Statements and Report.
c. Appointment of a Reviewer.
d. Election of Officers and Committee for the year.
e. Setting the annual subscription and table money for the following year; and
f. Transacting any other business submitted to the meeting.
6. AGM Agenda: No later than seven (7) days before the date of the AGM an Agenda containing the business to be discussed shall be sent to all Members. The Agenda shall include notification of any nomination received for any position on the Committee as in Rule 20.4 above. No additional items of business not listed on the Agenda can be voted on but may be discussed by majority agreement of the meeting.
7. Further Nominations: If there are insufficient Committee Members elected, the Chair may call for further nominations from the floor.
21. Special General Meetings
1. Any other meetings of the Members shall be treated as Special General Meetings.
2. A SGM must be called by written request stating its purpose and including any proposed motion/s from
· The Committee, or
· No less than 10 voting Members
3. Notice of SGM: At least 21 days’ notice of an SGM must be given to members. The notice shall include:
a) The date, time and venue of the SGM, and
b) The proposed motion/s that have been properly submitted.
22. Procedure for General Meetings
1. Errors: Any irregularity, error or omission in notices, agenda and relevant papers of General Meetings , or the omission to give notice within the required time frame and any other error in the organisation of the Meeting shall not invalidate the Meeting nor prevent the Members from considering the business of the Meeting provided that the Chair in their discretion determines that it is still appropriate for the Meeting to proceed despite the irregularity, error or omission; and a Motion to proceed is put to the Meeting and carried by a majority of those attending.
2. Quorum: No business shall be transacted at any AGM or SGM unless a quorum is present at the time which the Meeting is due to commence as set out in the Notice of Meeting. The quorum shall be twenty percent (20%) of current Members. The quorum must always be present during the Meeting. If a quorum is not obtained within one (1) hour of the advertised time, then the Meeting shall be adjourned to such other day (being not less than seven (7) days following the adjournment) time and place as determined by the Committee. If no quorum is obtained at this second General Meeting, then Members present at such a Meeting are deemed to constitute a valid quorum.
3. Voting: Voting shall be by way of a show of hands unless otherwise directed by the Chair to be by paper ballot. Proxy votes are permitted in relation to specific predetermined issues and must be advertised as available in relation to those issues in any agenda or notice of an AGM or SGM. Any proxy must be notified to the Secretary, either in writing or via email, not less than 24 hours before the stated time of the meeting concerned. A proxy need not be a member of the ABC.
4. Chairing: All meetings shall be chaired by the President or in their absence, firstly by the Vice President if in attendance, or in the absence of both by a person appointed by the Committee.
5. Minutes: All General Meetings shall be minuted by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Committee.
Part VII Financial
23. Financial Matters
1. The Financial year: The financial Year shall commence on 1 January and end on 31 December in each year. Dates may be altered from time to time by the Committee.
2. Banking: All monies received by or on behalf of the ABC shall be banked in such bank as the Committee may from time to time determine, and all withdrawals from the ABC’s account shall be authorised by any two (2) of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
3. Power to Borrow Money: The Committee shall be empowered to borrow money from any person, banker or organisation for the Objects of the ABC. In so doing it may execute and give security over any of the ABC’s assets.
4. Control and Investment of Funds: The funds of the ABC shall be under the control of the Committee and shall be applied by the Committee in furtherance of the Objects of the ABC. Until required for any purpose of the ABC, funds may be invested by the committee with any bank in New Zealand.
5. Honoraria: The ABC may at its AGM approve the payment of honoraria following the recommendation of the Committee. Any person or their family member, who is to receive such honoraria is debarred from voting on the matter.
6. Annual Report: The President and the Treasurer shall prepare their annual reports for presentation to the AGM which contain:
a.a.a) the Annual Financial Statement as required under the Incorporated Societies’ Act 2022, and
a.a.b) An annual report summarising the year’s activities
24. Review
1. At the AGM a Reviewer shall be appointed whose duty it shall be to review the accounts and books of the ABC during the ensuing year.
2. The Reviewer shall report on whether the financial information is presented in accordance with the ABC’s accounting policies. The Reviewer must NOT be a Member of the Committee or an employee of the ABC.
3. If the ABC appoints a Reviewer who is unable to act for some reason, the Committee shall appoint another Reviewer as a replacement.
4. The Committee is responsible for providing the Reviewer with access to all information of which the Committee is aware which is relevant to the preparation of the financial statements such as records, documentation and other matters.
5. Additional information that the Reviewer may request from the Committee for the reviews; and
6. Reasonable access to persons within the ABC from whom the Reviewer determines it is necessary to obtain evidence.
25. Application of Income
1. The income and property of the ABC shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its Objects.
2. Expenditure: The Committee may expend up to two thousand dollars ($2000). Expenditure above two thousand dollars ($2,000) for any one item or series of items for a project or event requires the prior approval of a General Meeting.
3. No Member or person who is associated with any Member of the ABC shall derive any income from professional services to the ABC carried out in the course of business that are charged at a rate no greater than current market rates, or interest on money lent at a rate no greater than current market rates, or
4. Rent for premises let at a rate no greater than current market rates.
5. No Member of the ABC or any person associated with a Member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the ABC in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that Member or associated persons or any income benefit or advantage whatsoever.
6. The provisions of Sub Rules 25.3, 25.4 and 25.5 above shall NOT be removed from this document and shall be included and applied into any document replacing this document.
7. Any bank account in the name of the ABC may be operated by any two (2) Officers. No payment, except for standard operational costs, shall be made without first being approved by the Committee and recorded in its ratified minutes. The Committee may authorise the establishment and operation of one or more limited special purpose bank accounts.
8. Expenditure must be recorded and ratified at Committee Meetings.
Part VIII Alteration to Rules
26. Alteration to Rules
1. The ABC may from time to time add to, alter, amend, revise or rescind any of the Rules. Any alteration, amendment, revision or rescission thereof shall be made only at an AGM or SGM.
2. Voting: A two thirds (2/3) majority of the Members present at the Meeting is required for any such alteration to be lodged with the Registrar.
3. No such change becomes operational until registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
4. A proposal to change these Rules shall be given to the Secretary and shall be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the proposal.
5. The proposal must be signed by at least ten (10) members eligible to vote; or shall be from the Committee.
6. Notice of Proposed Motions: A full text of the proposed alteration and the reasons for the proposal shall be given to voting Members and shall be included in the notice of General Meeting at which the alteration to rules is to be considered.
7. The Committee recommendation shall be notified to voting Members not later than seven (7) days before the General Meeting at which the alteration to Rules is to be considered.
8. When a Rule change is approved, the Committee shall file it with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies in the required form.
Part IX Winding Up
27. Winding Up
1. The Akaroa Bridge Club may voluntarily be put into liquidation if:
a. A resolution is passed at any General Meeting appointing a liquidator; and
b. A resolution is confirmed by those attending a subsequent meeting called for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty (30) days, after the date on which the resolution was passed.
2. Upon the winding up or dissolution of the ABC, the ABC’s debts costs and liabilities shall be paid.
3. Surplus money and other assets of the ABC may be disposed of by resolution to an existing Canterbury bridge club or to a selected not-for-profit entity or a class of not-for-profit entities currently operating on Banks Peninsula; or according to the provisions in the Incorporated Societies’ Act 2022 but
4. No distribution may be made to any member.
5. The recipient Society/s shall be determined by Members in a General Meeting at or before the time of liquidation. If the Members are unable to decide the body or bodies shall be determined by the liquidator.
6. The recipient Society/s must prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its members.