Health and Safety
The Akaroa Bridge Club
The Akaroa Bridge Club (Club) is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for members, visitors, volunteers and contractors. The Club will exercise due diligence and take all reasonably practicable steps to:
● Identify existing and new hazards and risks on an on-going basis.
● Eliminate, isolate or minimize hazards and risks.
● Ensure that all members, visitors, volunteers and contractors are made aware of any hazards and of safety procedures.
● Provide information to ensure that all those who deliver, supervise and participate in Club activities understand their responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
● Ensure accurate and timely reporting, recording and reviewing of all incidents, accidents and near misses.
● Appoint appropriate people to administer, or assist with, health and safety requirements. The Club Secretary shall have the ultimate responsibility for overseeing Health and Safety.
● Review this Statement as required and at least annually.
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Measures.
For each activity and event a hazard identification and risk assessment should be undertaken and recorded.
Risk assessment is based on a judgement of the likelihood of an issue arising and the potential severity of consequences.
Control measures can include
· Elimination
· Substitution
· Isolation/restriction
· Supervision
· Personal Protective Equipment
· Provision of Information and advice
A Hazard and Risk Assessment (included below) has been completed for the Club’s regular activities.
This should be used as a template and guide for assessment of the Club’s other activities.
The Secretary shall ensure that an Incident Register, including actions taken, is kept.
An Incident Report (form included below) should be used for the reporting of any incident.