Counting Losers with a Fit
also known as the "Losing Trick Count"
A more accurate way of determining the best level of a contract, once you have found a trump fit.
Not suitable for NoTrumps or a misfit hand.
A three-step process :
A. Count your losers.
B. Estimate your partner’s losers from their bidding.
C. Add these two together and take away from 18.
This is the level to which you should bid.
A. Count your losers.
Each suit has a maximum of three losers.
Doubletons, singletons, voids – only count to a maximum of 2,1,0 losers.
Every card in a suit that isn’t the Ace, King or Queen is a loser.
Unsupported Queens, add a half loser. i.e. a Queen with no Ace, King or Jack.
Examples :
AK765 = 1 loser KQ43 = 1 loser
A8765 = 2 losers K732 = 2 losers
JT98 = 3 losers 432 = 3 losers
AK = 0 losers K3 = 1 loser
K = 1 loser 8 = 1 loser
Q5 = 2 losers 65 = 2 losers
AJ = 1 loser 98732 = 3 losers
♠ AK765 = 1 loser
♥ K83 = 2 losers
♦ 542 = 3 losers
♣ K9 = 1 loser
TOTAL = 7 losers
A basic opening hand has 7 losers
♠ KJ65 = 2 losers
♥ KQ873 = 1 loser
♦ A42 = 2 losers
♣ 9 = 1 loser
TOTAL = 6 losers
13 points but a stronger hand than above, IF you have a fit.
♠ AK765 = 1 loser
♥ KJ3 = 2 losers
♦ A42 = 2 losers
♣ K9 = 1 loser
TOTAL = 6 losers
18 points. Stronger hands have LESS losers.
♠ AK5 = 1 loser
♥ KQJ62 = 1 loser
♦ AKQ2 = 0 losers
♣ 9 = 1 loser
TOTAL = 3 losers
22 points. Very strong hands have even LESS losers.
Very strong hand = 5 losers or less
Strong hand = 6 losers
Opening Hand = 7 losers
Below opening strength = 8 losers
Poor responder = 9 losers
Rubbish = 10 losers or more
B. Estimate your partner’s losers.
Partner opened the bidding = 7 losers or better
Partner opened and then jumped = 6 losers
Partner made a reverse = 6 losers
Partner made a simple raise = 9 losers
Partner made a jump raise = 8 losers
Partner overcalled = 7 or 8 losers
Partner made a takeout double = 7 losers
Partner doubled and then bid again = 6 losers
Partner opens 1♠, you respond 2♣, partner rebids 2♠ Partner has 7 losers.
Partner opens 1♥, you bid 1♠, partner jumps to 3♥ Partner has 6 losers.
C. If you have a fit …
Add your losers to partner’s losers.
Take this total away from 18.
This is the maximum level to which you should bid.
(Or take away from 24 – this is the potential number of tricks you can make.)
Partner has 7 losers, you have 8 losers 7+8 = 15 18 - 15 = 3 So don’t bid Game.
Partner has 6 losers, you have 8 losers 6+8 = 14 18 - 14 = 4 So bid Game in a Major.
Partner has 7 losers, you have 7 losers 7+7 = 14 18 - 14 = 4 So bid Game in a Major.
Partner has 6 losers, you have 7 losers 6+7 = 13 18 - 13 = 5 So bid Game, but not Slam.
Partner has 7 losers, you have 5 losers 7+5 = 12 18 - 12 = 6 So explore a Slam if you have a fit.
Partner has 6 losers, you have 6 losers 6+6 = 12 18 - 12 = 6 So explore a Slam if you have a fit.
Basically you need 14 or 13 losers for a Major game, 12 losers for a small slam.
Putting it all Together :
Example 1
♠ KJ65 ♠ Q84
♥ KQ873 ♥ A952
♦ A42 ♦ 8
♣ 9 ♣ K7653
1♥ 3♥ West opens 1H, East knows there's a fit and with 7 1/2 losers jumps.
4♥ West now knows there is a fit and with 6 losers goes to game.
Example 2
♠ AQ942 ♠ KJ86
♥ A98 ♥ 652
♦ Q76 ♦ AT95
♣ KT ♣ 42
1♠ 2♠ West opens 1S, East knows there's a fit but with 9 losers just raises.
Pass West now knows there is a fit but with 6 1/2 losers leaves it.
Example 3
♠ 97 ♠ T6
♥ K ♥ A863
♦ AK875 ♦ QJ642
♣ AQT82 ♣ K9
1♦ 1♥ West opens 1D, East knows there's a diamond fit but just keeps the bidding open.
3♣ 5♦ West jumps with 5 losers, East has 7 losers and says game in a minor is enough.