

So, how are the contract scores made up ?

If you bid and make a contract then you get a positive score.

If you bid a contract and fail to make it, then you get a negative score.   Your opponents at the table get a positive score.

Denomination and Trick Score

In a MAJOR suit, spades and hearts, you receive 30 points per trick bid (over and above six tricks).

In a MINOR suit, diamonds and clubs, you receive 20 points per trick bid (over and above six tricks).

In a NO-TRUMPS contract you receive 30 points per trick, plus an extra 10 points.

Level and Bonus

If you bid and make a contract below game then you receive a bonus of 50 points.

This is known as a PART-SCORE.   50

Vulnerability doesn’t matter with a part-score, the bonus is always 50 points.

If you bid and make a GAME contract you receive a bonus of 300 or 500 points.

Non-vulnerable = 300                    Vulnerable = 500

(You do not get the 50 points part-score bonus as well.)

If you bid and make a SMALL SLAM then you receive a bonus of

Non-vulnerable = 800                    Vulnerable = 1250

(You do not get the part-score or game bonus as well.)

If you bid and make a GRAND SLAM then you receive a bonus of

Non-vulnerable = 1300                    Vulnerable = 2000

(You do not get the part-score or game or small slam bonus as well.)


For a contract of 1♣ making 8 tricks you score  20 + 20 + 50 = 90 points.

For a contract of 4♥, bid and made, non-vulnerable you receive

30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 300 = 420 points

For a contract of 6NT bid and made, vulnerable you receive

10 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 1250 =  1440 points


When you play in a doubled or redoubled contract it affects the score.

If you make your contract, you get two bonuses.  The score for each trick is doubled, so now you score 60 for each trick over 6 in No-Trumps, Spades or Hearts;   40 for each trick over 6 in diamonds or clubs.

If you are redoubled and make your contract you get quadruple the trick score, so 120 per trick in No-Trumps or Spades or Hearts, 80 for each trick in Diamonds or Club.

The 10-point bonus for being in No-Trumps is also doubled (20) or quadrupled (40).

You also get an extra bonus of 50 points for making a doubled contract, regardless of whether it is a part-score, game or slam.   (This is known as the “insult” bonus.)

The insult bonus is 100 for making a redoubled contract.

The game and slam bonuses are NOT doubled.


4♥ doubled, vulnerable, making 10 tricks

60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 500 + 50   = 790 points

3NT doubled, non-vulnerable, making nine tricks

20 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 300 + 50  = 550 points


Tricks beyond your contract, overtricks, are given a different score.   Each overtrick :

Doubled :

Non-vulnerable    100 points        Vulnerable   200 points

Redoubled  :      

Non-vulnerable    200 points         Vulnerable   400 points


4♥ doubled, vulnerable, making 12 tricks, two overtricks

60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 500 + 50 + 200 + 200  = 1190 points

3NT redoubled, non-vulnerable, making 10 tricks, one overtrick

20 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 300 + 100 + 200  = 800 points

Fortunately the tablet provides the scores for these obscure results.  Just be aware that making a doubled contract generates extra bonuses.

Doubled into Game

A special situation occurs when you bid and make a part-score contract that is doubled or redoubled.    IF the total trick score becomes 100 points or more, then you get the Game bonus too !

This applies to contracts of 2♥, 2♠, 2NT, 3♣, 3♦, 3♥, 3♠, 4♣, 4♦  (re)doubled 

And 1♥, 1♠, 1NT, 2♣, 2♦ redoubled.        But not 1♣, 1♦ redoubled.


2♥ doubled, vulnerable, making 8 tricks

            60 + 60 + 500 + 50 = 670


When you don’t make your contract you get a negative score (and your table opponents get a positive score).   But it’s not the same as the contract score.

For each trick that you go down, you lose -

Non-Vulnerable   50 points                Vulnerable   100 points    

So, if you go two light non-vulnerable you lose 50 + 50 = 100 points.

If you go three light vulnerable you lose 100 + 100 + 100 = 300 points.

Failed Contracts Doubled or Redoubled

When you go down in a doubled or redoubled contract the negative score is also increased.   Again it depends on the vulnerability :

DOUBLED      Non-V      Vuln

-1 100              200

-2                 300              500

-3                 500              800

-4                 800            1100

-5                1100          1400


REDOUBLED      Non-V        Vuln

-1                       200             400

-2                       600            1000

-3                     1000   1600

-4                     1600           2200

-5                     2200           2800


Again, the tablet will calculate the score for you.

Just be aware of the circumstances.