Revoke examples

   Non-Established Revokes   

4 by South

West leads the 6, North and East play spades, and South trumps with the 2.

Dummy asks "no spades partner ?"

"Sorry, I have a spade." says South.    "Director, please."

The Director allows South to pick up the 2 and play a spade.

The offender is Declarer so no further action is required.

4 by South

West leads the 6, North-Dummy plays a spade, and East trumps with the 2.

West asks "no spades partner ?"

"Sorry, I have a spade." says East.    "Director, please."

The Director allows East to pick up the 2 and play a spade.

The offender is a defender so the 2 becomes a major penalty card.

4 by South

West leads the 6, dummy plays the 3, and East trumps with the 2.

South plays the 4.   

East has won the trick BUT now realises that they have a spade.

East calls the Director, "sorry, I have revoked."

The offending side have not played a card to the next trick, so the revoke is NOT established.  The Director allows East to pick up the 2 and play the J.

The offender is a defender so the 2 becomes a major penalty card.

South is allowed to change the 4 to another spade if they wish.

4 by South

Dummy leads the 6, East plays the J, South trumps with the 2.

West plays the 3.   

South has won the trick BUT now realises that they have a spade.

South calls the Director, "sorry, I have revoked."

The offending side have not played a card to the next trick, so the revoke is NOT established.  The Director allows South to pick up the 2 and play the Q.

West is allowed to change the 3 to another spade if they wish, and they choose to play the K.

The offender is Declarer so no further action is required.

4 by South

Dummy leads the 6, East trumps with the 2.

South plays the 5, West plays the 3.   

East has won the trick BUT now realises that they have a spade.

East calls the Director, "sorry, I have revoked."

The offending side have not played a card to the next trick, so the revoke is NOT established.  The Director allows East to pick up the 2 and play the Q.

South is allowed to change the 5 to another spade if they wish, and South chooses to play the K.   Because South changed their card, West is also allowed to change their card if they wish, and West plays the A.

The offender is a defender so the 2 becomes a major penalty card.

The 3 also becomes a major penalty card.

Note : West should be warned that the 3 will become a major penalty card.

   Established Revokes   

4 by South

West leads the 6, North and East play spades, and South trumps with the 2.

South now leads the A to the next trick.    South has a spade.

The revoke has been established.   

Play must continue, even if South now realises their mistake.

South wins 11 tricks in total.    The Director is called.

The revoke card, the 2, won the trick.   South has also won subsequent tricks.

So TWO tricks are transferred to the defenders and South gets only 9 tricks, one off.   The Director can also consider further damage.

4 by South

South wins the first spade trick and starts playing top clubs from dummy, pitching losers from their hand.    Ace, King and then Queen of clubs, and West trumps with the 2.   West now cashes a spade, and then South wins the remaining tricks.

South notices that West has a club at the end of play, and calls the Director.   East agrees that there has been a revoke.

The revoke has been established.   

South won 11 tricks in total, East-West winning the revoke trick and then a top spade

The revoke card, the 2, won a trick.   East-West also won subsequent tricks.

So TWO tricks are transferred to Declarer who now makes 13 tricks.

3NT by South

South wins the first spade trick and starts playing top hearts from dummy Ace, King and then Queen of hearts.   West discards the  2 on the third round of hearts, but then plays a heart on the Jack of hearts.

The revoke has been established.   Play continues.

South wins 9 tricks in total, East-West winning 4 tricks AFTER the revoke.

The 2 did not win a trick.   East-West won subsequent tricks.

So ONE trick is transferred to Declarer who now makes 10 tricks.